Thursday, February 24, 2011

Labor Update

Well there is none.  Yesterday morning I lost my plug, called the dr. and the nurse said it is best to wait until I have been having regular contractions.  So I hung up with her and got back to work, about an hour later right as I was noticing a decrease in movement, the nurse calls back (which is highly unusual for them) to check on my progress.  I explained that I had not been having anything other than BH contractions but there was a decrease in movement.  She decided that it would be best to have me come on in.  So they worked me in and when she checked me I was at 4cm, but still only 50% effaced.  They then hooked me up to the fetal monitor to check Cara's movements.  She was asleep for the longest, they tried moving me around to stir her up, but it just wasn't working.  At that point the nurse got the dr. to come in and she said that we may end up at the hospital having a baby after all, if we couldn't get her to wake up.  They gave me some sweet tea and about 5 min later she started waking up.  After that they were pleased with what they saw so she said that if my contractions (BH or Real) started coming 10 min apart to head on to the hospital.  When I got back to work I did experience about 50 min where they were 10 min apart, but they became irregular after that.  So after work, we walked...2.5 times around the mall and nothing.  I sat all night with the worst heartburn ever, but no contractions.  Today I am here at work, still nothing, but I have a co-worker that thinks she has the ability to see upcoming events and she is predicting today(and has been for some time now)  not that I believe in that stuff AT ALL, but I would not be upset if she was right.  Plus Chris is pulling for tonight since Dr. Thompson will be on call then, so we shall of now I feel nothing but a little baby inside of me.  I think I might go jog up and down the steps on my break.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

39 Weeks

At 39 weeks I am still pregnant, this is the longest I have ever been pregnant so I really don't know what to expect from this point on.  At my check up for starters my blood pressure was high, so high that the nurse wouldn't even tell me what it was, she just made me lay on my side for about 15 min.  When she checked it the second time it had considerably (from what she was saying) dropped to 110/60 and I am happy with that.  I actually lost .6lbs, must be from all the walking, so I am standing firm right now at 173.  I measured right on with the baby's estimated weight at 6.5-7lbs.  He said he would be surprised if she weighed as much as Addie did at 7 lbs 11oz.  Her heart rate was low and then jumped up to 130 bpm.  At 50% effaced and 2.5 cm he stripped my membranes, he said that if it worked I woud go into labor within 24 hrs, well the fact that it has been over 48 hrs now and I am still with child, I am gonna go ahead and say it didn't work.  So we are still waiting for this little bundle, but can guarantee that we will have a baby by next weekend because he said that if I haven't had the baby by Tuesday(my next appt.) they will induce.  Yay for babies!!!  Can't wait to meet our little Cara Rayne!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

38 Weeks

Today is my dear husband's 31st birthday, how wonderful it would be to be able to birth our daughter today.  Depressing enough when I went to the dr I am still only 2 cm dilated with a high thick cervix.  So even though the dr. said that that really didn't matter because I have had a baby before and I could go into labor this afternoon for all he knew I am not feeling it.  I gained 1.5 lbs this week, am measuring good (not too big, not too small), she didn't tell me my blood pressure so I am guessing it is good.  Cara's heart rate was steady at 121 and he seemed ok with that, even though it makes me a bit nervous.  I guess I am just getting anxious so every little thing is worrying me. 

Addie is getting really good at putting her face up to my belly and yelling "come out baby Cara, come out!"  Yet like a little sister Cara is really good at ignoring what her big sister wants her to do.  So as it stands now we are still waiting, sorry to disappoint all that thought we would go early, but this one I think wants to stay in until the end.  Hopefully she won't end up being colicky (needing that 4th trimaster). 

We have made plans for the weekend, not to mention meetings that I have scheduled this week, so maybe that will help her make her decision. 

Monday, February 14, 2011

She will not be called Gazoo any longer

We named her!!  Caraline Rayne and we shall call her Cara!  Addie was so sweet last night talking to her baby Cara in Mommy's tummy.  Can't wait to meet her in person!!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

37 Weeks

At 37 weeks I have gained one more pound, my blood pressure is at 112/70 measuring right on 37 weeks and feeling great!  Gazoo's heart rate sounds good, but they used the old doppler so I don't know how fast it was.  I have dilated to 2cm my cervix is soft but still thick, so I am thinking this one is gonna hold on for a bit longer.  That's ok, because I would rather her stay in and be as healthy as possible than to come early when she isn't really ready to.  Maybe she isn't going to be as independent as Addie since Addie was ready so early, but who knows!  Still no name for her, but if she turns out to be a boy we have decided on Duncan (my Grandma Porter's Daddy's name) Reece(Chris' middle name)  Hughes.  Love it!  Now if we could only get to reality that we are having a girl instead and find a name that we (both) love just as much.  More updates to come in 6 days...

Friday, February 4, 2011

36 Weeks

Well we are now in our weekly rotation, we had our 36 week check up on Tuesday and the Dr. says we look just perfect on paper.  My blood pressure was up a bit for my liking, but still in good standing with everyone else at 130/70.  Gazoo is still measuring good, head down and ready for the pushin', well sort of I guess...  I am only 1 cm dilated and slightly thinned, so I probably have at lease 2 more weeks to go.  Her heart rate was steady at 130/131 very strong sounding (for a boy) j/k.  I gained 3lbs last week, so it looks as though we are going to have a big one on our hands, a very big one!  Although the Dr. is very pleased with my weight gain and that so far it has been under 30lbs, I still feel as if I have gained more this pregnancy.  I am definitely not as swollen as I was with Addie and I am carrying all out in front instead of all over like Addie, but it could just be my age difference and that I have a toddler to chase around that I am feeling so different.  Very excited to meet this little bundle yet so unprepared, but can a second time mother really ever be prepared? 

This week my work threw me a surprise baby shower, it was really the sweetest thing!  The break room looked awesome with all of the decorations.  They even invited Chris, Mama, Allison, Sara Beth and Addie.  Chris wasn't able to make it because his lunch didn't fall until after the shower ended, but everyone else was and it was so nice to have them here.  They invited the whole CU so there were all kinds of people from other departments that came down and brought us gifts, even some Senior Management!  What a great place I work for and bunch of people I work with, I just love it here!!  We got all kinds of great stuff, so much we still haven't had a chance to go through all of it.  Some of the ladies even got gifts for Addie to open, she got a new baby doll (which she loves bathing in Gazoo's new bath tub), a shirt and a rain coat.  We couldn't be more blessed with people who really loves us all the way around!