Tuesday, July 27, 2010

16 Months

So my little angel is 16 months old now and she is the most amazing thing ever!  Every morning first thing when she wakes she goes through her vocabulary (eye, light, nose, flower, mickey, pluto, etc...) anything that's in the room that she knows, she names.  It is so precious to hear that little voice telling me everything that she knows!   She has a vocabulary of about 80 words and it's growing more and more each day.  She picks everything up so fast, the other night when we were saying the blessing before dinner Chris finished the prayer with Amen, I followed with Amen then all of a sudden Addie came out with an Amen, it was so sweet!!!  Also we always hold hands when we say the blessing, Friday night we went to Richmond so we stopped by Wendy's on our way out of town, while at the stop light we were saying the blessing I was holding Chris' hand and I put my hand on Addie's car seat because I couldn't reach her.  Just as I bowed my head and started praying I feel these little fingers slide under my two middle fingers and hold on while I finished the blessing.  I was so overwhelmed I almost couldn't finish.  Addie is so into her books, she will usually take to them over her toys and music, she is such a musical child.  She mimics most sounds she hears, like the NBC tone, every time it comes on the TV she has to hum it also.  I think she is going to be very musical maybe even a prodigy seeing that she can pick tones up by ear, which just thrills her father and I since we both are music enthusiasts.  She has a big girl bed, but isn't sleeping in it yet, mainly because I am not ready,  Chris finally moved it out of the living room and into her bedroom she loves going in there and sitting on the bed to read a book to her stuffed animals, it is really so cute.  I am so apprehensive about moving her though.  Well we made it 15 months with out getting sick and 2 weeks ago Addie spiked a temperature for 3 days she ran a fever and on the last day it jumped up to 102.5 I freaked out!!!  The next day I took her into the doctor, the fever had already broken but I  need to take her for piece of mind.  We got in there and she looks at her steps back and says "I have seen 7 kids just today with this, she should break out in a rash about two days after her fever has broken, there is a Roseola outbreak right now."  Sure enough  the next day, she breaks out and it wasn't bad, 2 days later the rash was gone.  If you weren't looking for it you wouldn't have noticed it, it was very mild, looked almost like a heat rash.  All in all I think we made it through pretty well, throughout the time she was sick you wouldn't have even known it she was in great spirits, aside from the fever she really had no other symptoms.