Wednesday, February 9, 2011

37 Weeks

At 37 weeks I have gained one more pound, my blood pressure is at 112/70 measuring right on 37 weeks and feeling great!  Gazoo's heart rate sounds good, but they used the old doppler so I don't know how fast it was.  I have dilated to 2cm my cervix is soft but still thick, so I am thinking this one is gonna hold on for a bit longer.  That's ok, because I would rather her stay in and be as healthy as possible than to come early when she isn't really ready to.  Maybe she isn't going to be as independent as Addie since Addie was ready so early, but who knows!  Still no name for her, but if she turns out to be a boy we have decided on Duncan (my Grandma Porter's Daddy's name) Reece(Chris' middle name)  Hughes.  Love it!  Now if we could only get to reality that we are having a girl instead and find a name that we (both) love just as much.  More updates to come in 6 days...

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