Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Pure Sweetness

Addie has been doing so great lately.  She has been listening and obeying wonderfully, you can tell that there has been a change, that she is trying to follow direction.  She even tries to help keep Cara in line, the other night as we were eating Cara kept turning around and playing Chris asked her to  turn around and like usual she didn’t even acknowledge him, until Addie tapped her on the shoulder and whispered into her ear ”please turn around and eat” to which she did. She has been doing wonderfully memorizing her Bible verses for Awana so last night after reciting her Bible verse for the night along with her previous ones and then putting on her shoes after only being asked once, she walked over to stand beside me while I was feeding Eva dinner.  I thought, she is really doing well I wonder what she would like if we were to reward her for doing so good lately; so I asked, “Addie, if you were to have something special, what would it be?” and without skipping a beat, she replied “you!” Wow could this little girl melt my heart any more than she already has?!  I love her so much!!

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