Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Eva's Birth Story

Our due date of April 5th came and went, we even made a trip to the hospital thinking if maybe I was dilated enough they would keep me, but alas I was no more than 1.5cm, so walking we went….
And we walked and walked, you would not believe how swollen I was JUST from walking.
Sunday April 7th rolled around and I started leaking some fluid, not knowing if it was my water or not since it wasn’t a steady stream and nothing had gushed out I called the Dr.  they advised me to head on to the hospital and they could test if it was amniotic  fluid.  It wasn’t, and I was only a 2, so home we went, again….

Took the girls to Mama and Dadyd’s just in case  and after having to see the pain in my little girl’s eyes as I left her behind, I was so heartbroken I couldn’t handle it!  So we went home and settled in with no labor in sight….

I started having Braxton Hicks contractions around 10 and decided just to go to bed, I wasn’t in the mood to sit up anyway since my whole family wasn’t at home together, so I left Chris watching TV and I went to bed.  I had had Braxton Hicks contractions for the last 5 months of the pregnancy so it wasn’t like I was dealing with any new symptoms or anything.  Just to be on the safe side though I got out my contraction counter and started timing them.  I went to sleep fast and woke up just long enough with each contraction to start and stop the timer.  Eventually they got strong, really strong, but they weren’t consistent to I stayed put, no more false alarms for this Mama. Some where around midnight I just couldn’t stay put any longer and my husband was NOT in bed yet, for a laboring Mama this was pretty frustrating and I started getting peeved.  I contemplated getting up and going down the hall to inform him of my unhappiness and then the contraction subsided.  So I let myself rest during the downtime.  Also during said downtime and into the incline of another he showed up… I did speak some of my displeasure during this contraction but allowed him to lay beside me.  I might add that I should have made him wait until I was out of the contraction before he laid down though… I think I made it another 20 min or so of, still inconsistent, every minute or so contractions before I just got up and started walking to the door.  Not saying a word I just let Chris follow me.  He tried to talk to me to make sure I was ok, but I just couldn’t get anything out of my mouth.  As he ran around the house to make sure everything was in order I went straight to the car to wait for him.  Luckily the car was already packed as it had been for the week prior…

On to the hospital, NO WORDS were spoken… As we got there he let me out at the door, unlike our previous labors, I allowed this and quietly got out and walked to the mother’s ward to be admitted while he parked.  I made it in and managed to get a seat before the next contraction, I was just going to wait for him, but she said that she could go ahead and check me in, so I quietly yet carefully made it through that process alone.  Again I was going to wait but she insisted that I go on up and she would send Chris up when he got there, so up I went.  Just as my next contraction hit, the elevator lifted and I thought I was going to hit the floor, I now know the purpose of those handles along the sides of the elevators.  I made it into triage and they checked me, I still wasn’t past a 3.5 and my contractions still weren’t consistent they kept me anyway because she could see on the monitor the intensity of the contractions and like I said some were 5 min apart and then some were 1 min apart.  But they were strong by this point!  Chris finally made it to triage as the nurse was getting me settled in.

I may have been in there 30 min or so before they got me into a room,  the nurse asked me if I was going to have an epidural I responded yes and she called anesthesia without even asking if I was ready for it yet,  I guess she didn’t need to ask…

The anesthesiologist showed up shortly thereafter, however I was unaware until after the epidural was in that he was just a resident( a big difference).  Needless to say my epidural didn’t go as smoothly as the first two.  After a VERY long time of trial and error (not what you want during full on labor) he was able to get my epidural sort of right.  I just couldn’t take him reinserting it anymore, it was enough to get some rest so I let it be,  I still felt most of my labor on my right side.  Chris said that he basically used my back as a human pin cushion.  I felt so bad for Chris bc he had to sit there uncomfortably in front of me this whole time holding his arms in the air in order to reach my hands.  I know it took at least 30 min for him to get my line placed where in the past maybe 10-15 min tops!  After all of that fun was over we laid down to get some rest.

When morning came around Chris went downstairs to get some breakfast and he wasn’t gone for 5 min before I felt like I needed to push so I called the nurse and then I called him.  Then while waiting for the nurse I felt some fluid come out, it felt like it was just a little bit so I wasn’t alarmed (I couldn’t feel anything anyway) bc I thought it was urine.  When the nurse came in I told her about that and that I thought that it may have just been urine so she checked me and I was at an 8.  So she said let me call the Dr and see if he is ready.  After she left I called Chris and told him that he better get up there right then, I was really about to have that baby before he got back, before I got off the phone with him I had the urge to push so strong that I had to call the nurse back.  She came in and Chris was right behind her,  She said that Dr. Thompson was in surgery doing a C-section, ironically enough we have heard those exact same words before, she told me that she wanted me to do a practice push, so I did and her head came down!  She said that my water had broken (must’ve been what I felt earlier) so she went and called him back.  Dr. Thompson came in not long after that, and good thing too bc I really needed to push!  He walked in said his hellos and said I am just gonna stand back and watch you do a few practice pushes, ok so I Chris and the nurse held my legs and I pushed….Immediately Dr. Thompson jumped up and told me to hold off, DO NOT PUSH, her head came out on that practice push and he didn’t even have his table unwrapped!  They quickly started running around getting everything together, put me in the stirrups, didn’t even lay me back, 3 pushes later…We had baby number 3!

Evangeline(with a long I) Gray Hughes, 8lbs 3oz, 19 ¾ in long born at 8:31am.  A perfect little miracle!

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