Friday, October 7, 2011

You know I'm a dreamer

Every morning around 6 Addie gets up and gets into bed with us.  We are usually already up or we go back to sleep for a little longer.  This morning I put her in bed with Chris and I got up to take a shower.  When I got done they were still snoozing together so I jumped in the bed to cuddle with them a little longer.  As we are laying there I feel Addie jump, then she rolls over and says to me "my back hurts"  so I asked her why she said " because I fall down".  She then rolled back over and when back to sleep for a bit until I heard her whimper a couple of times, when she woke up she said "I saw Cinderella".  I said "oh you did, where?" after no response from her about that I asked her what she looked like and if she was pretty.  She replied "uh huh, she helped me find my Mommy and Daddy and Booskers"  I said "well that was nice of her"  she said (as she started tearing up) " uh, huh because I missed you" !!!


Of course I told her that I missed her too and grabbed a hold of my sweet little girl and cuddled her SO TIGHT! 

This was the very first time that she has recollected a dream, I love that little girl so much!

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