Sunday, September 5, 2010

Addie's Fan Club

This morning we went to IHOP for breakfast, enjoying our little family meal together before Daddy had to go to work.  Us 3 in our own little world, talking and playing and eating when all of a sudden this random waitress walks up and says " you know you have a fan club".  Chris and I were both slightly perplexed when I asked "I'm sorry?"  She said that the other girls were in the back talking about how everyone must go by this table and see this little girl "she is so cute".  So we smiled said thank you and she was on her way, a few minutes later a few other waitresses nonchalantly walked by, not waiting on anyone or carrying anything.  I said "so now for the rest of the meal we will know why all of these random people are just walking by our booth", "to catch a glimpse".  It however is not possible to see all of her wonder in just one pass by and I should know this through and through, for I am her biggest fan.

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