Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Our Evening

Mommy : Ok sweetie, lets put you in the bath
~Addie in the tub~
Mommy : You splashin' sugar, splashy, splashy!
~Addie kicking and splashing~
Mommy : awe, Daddy, she's pooting, look at the bubbles...
...Addie what are you doing? Addie, OH, OH, She's POOPING!!! Honey she's pooping!
~Addie starting to splash again~
Mommy : Don't do that! (pulling her out of the tub) What do I do? (Addie standing naked looking around)
Daddy : well what do you want me to do?
Mommy : Wash her legs off, no just push the button. Don't spray her, spray her legs, wash her legs off.
Daddy: What do you want me to do now?
Mommy: Clean the tub out!
Daddy : How do I do that?
Mommy : I don't care, just do it!
~Addie still just hanging out naked not knowing what's going on~
Daddy: ok all done.
Mommy: ok in we go
~Addie pooting again~
Mommy: OH, OH, Honey she's doing it again!!
~Daddy in the hall laughing~
Mommy: Honey! Help me please!! Oh Baby don't splash!! Chris! I need you to clean the tub out again!!
Mommy: maybe we should put her diaper on and leave her out for a bit...
Daddy: maybe we should...

1 comment:

Courtney said...

Ha ha ha ha!

Can't say we've ever experienced that yet but I've heard some funny stories. Sorry for the rough night, but it sure makes for a good laugh!