Tuesday, July 28, 2009

4 months

Well I can't believe my little girl is already 4 1/2 months old!! She has changed so much in the last month, she is definitely only days away from sitting up on her on as well as rolling over. It is so exciting, yet stressful because every time I put her down I don't wanna take my eyes off of her for fear that she will do something and I will miss it. She found her hands at the beginning of the month and at first I thought that she was leaning toward being a thumb sucker, but I think she just likes having something in her mouth. She is NOT a paci baby at all, so fingers it is. I am not at all upset about that, plus she looks really cute sucking in her thumb. This week it has been mainly her fingers, so maybe she will suck her two middle fingers like I did as a baby. That would work out for me because from what I understand if she sucks her fingers she will stop automatically at 6 months (so fingers crossed...). This past week We have had allot of firsts, last Monday we started feeding her rice cereal, she wasn't too sure about it for the first day or so but now she is EATING IT UP (literally and figuratively)!! It as even gotten to the point that she knows when it is time to eat, and gets all excited. She's really the sweetest thing you'll ever see. Ok she also has learned to roll over from her back to front, and I might say has pretty good at it, as a matter of fact when I went in her room to kiss her goodbye this morning she was just laying there leaning on her elbows with her feet up in the air like a little teenybopper. I went over and said "well good morning sugar" and she turned her head, gleaming and started talking to me. (tear) What an angel!!! She had her first bottle of just plain water also this week, and she LOVED it, i'm talkin' she chugged it and wanted more.

She had her 4 month well visit this month, she weighed 13lbs 10oz (50%), is 24in long (35%) and her head is 40cm(25%). The dr. said that she was just perfect, I replied with well we think so, and she said well you can put a vote in from her dr. also!!! It is just heartbreaking though that those shots make her feel so bad. She was ok for the first half of the day, but when that medicine kicked in she was just so pitiful! Oh it just makes me cry to see her not feeling well, WHAT AM I GONNA DO!!!! She is ONLY 4 months old... We laid down in bed that night, and we were watching her on TV, Chris looked at her and said "well you won, you were her favorite Today." I said "well when your sick you always want your mommy.” All in all though the day went well and it is all over with until September.

This parenthood thing is so crazy it's all going by so fast, our little girl is growing like a weed. I still can't believe that I am a mommy!!!! Yet all the while I feel that having Addie, and being a mommy has slowed down our lives. I just can't explain how it all works in my head. But it's like we do more in the evenings now that we have a little one than what we did before. When it was just Chris and I 10 O'clock came fast because all we did was sit in front of the TV from the time we got home 'till the time we went to bed. Now we have playtime, bath time, food, TV, and bed. It just stretches everything out. I love it!!! If I had known that motherhood was gonna be so wonderful I would have done it a long time ago, well probably not because I wasn't mature enough, but life is GOOOOOD.

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