Friday, June 26, 2009


I am so upset over the loss of Michael Jackson, he was a big icon from my childhood. I am so mad yet so sad all at the same time. Don't stop till you get enough I am sick of everyone combining the death of Ferrah Fawcett with Michael Jackson's. Ok both of the deaths are very sad, BUT it lessens them both when you put them together. I think that each one of them deserve their on spotlight for the moment not have to share the fame of their deaths with another! It's just as stupid as having a double wedding. The Way You Make Me Feel I am also very upset about all of these geese, these people who flock to buy all of his stuff just because they wanna remember him or they wanna show that they care. Well where were they when he was alive?? Accusing him of all sorts of things that they don't know he did, refusing to buy his records or support his career and then all of a sudden they forget all the harsh words when they find he has passed. I supported him through good and bad, I don't and never have believed that he was a child molester. People always told me, be careful what you do I don't believe that he was anorexic, just because he is not obese like the rest of the world doesn't mean people should start making all of these allegations. We must bring salvation back, It's like all of those people that just because of 9-11 they thought all of a sudden they could become patriotic, going out buying flags and stuff like that. If you weren't before why now, don't go jump on the band wagon just to do it. Do you remember the time I had my first dance to "You Are Not Alone" in the 8th grade. So many good times with MJ, I personally feel that the death of Michael Jackson has had a bigger effect on me than that of Princess Di. My favorite song to dance to of all time, "Black or White". Chris says that I am acting like he was just my Michael Jackson, but just wait until George Lucas dies, we will see who will be mourning then...Rest in Peace Michael, You Will Be Missed.

~And You Can Say The Words Like You Understand But The Power's In Believing So Give Yourself A Chance~ Michael Jackson 1958-2009

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