Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Oh how time flies

I can't believe that just a month ago we were in the hospital aiding God in bringing this angel into our world. Addie has been everything we dreamed of and more! In these past few weeks she has grown so much! She stays up more during the day just looking around kicking and talking. She hasn't quite started making eye contact yet, but she can hold her head up like a champ. Booskers still couldn't care about her less, for the first 2 weeks he was more than depressed, and even stayed out all night a few nights but he is coming around especially since everything has calmed down. We have gotten more into a routine and he gets shown more love.

So in these past 4 weeks Addie had her first trip to Richmond to meet her great grandparents. Although I was more nervous than I have ever been , it was a great trip. Then we took a short trip to the beach. During that trip she went out to eat for the first time (Crab Legs, YUM!). She didn't get to go out onto the beach, but Daddy did while we sat in the car. He even wrote her name in the sand. We also took her to church for the first time, what a busy month we had!

On her 1 month birthday she smiled for the first time and I managed to catch it on camera, one of the many things I'm gonna miss being able to do when I go back to work. I can't wait until she smiles all the time, right now it is just every once in a while. I have found that she is a morning person just like her Daddy and I, so mornings are usually the easiest time to get her to show her personality. She hates having socks on or being covered up, so I think that she will be a summer girl like her parents also.

Oh this child, We love her so much!! I couldn't imagine our lives without her! You know how people say that children complicate things, or put strains on marriages, well since Addie came into our lives I believe that Chris and I have been even happier ( not that we weren't happy before, Addie just made everything a little better).

On Mother's Day we are going to have her dedicated, I am so excited!! She is gonna wear the gown that I wore when I was dedicated. This gown my Mom made especially for me for my dedication, so it is gonna be so meaningful to have her wear it. We have already vowed to raise Addie in a Christian home, and are constantly seeking God's guidance with how to bring her up, but we are excited to proclaim this publicly. I can already tell though that she will do great things for Christ!

She is such a strong willed child already, I can't wait to see what the next 18 years brings, but in no way do I want to speed up our time with her now. I still just can't believe that she isn't a newborn anymore. I know that it goes fast, it's not like that is all I hear all the time, from everyone...but it also feels like so much has happened that she should be older than 1 month. At our well visit, she weighed in at 8lbs 11oz and 21 1/2in long. So she has gained 1lb, and grown 1/2 an inch, which I am so very proud of, my mother on the other hand...I get the feeling that she thinks that I am not feeding her enough. I feed her when she is hungry you know, it's not like I'm starving her, but I'm not gonna stick a boob in her mouth just cause it's there either! Then again I don't know if she would be happy if she was 10lbs. Really though, she just worries as do I, but if the Doctor is happy I can't help but be happy as well.

Isn't it funny how everyone has an opinion, like we will go somewhere and Addie looks like me, but the next person we see she looks like Chris. How is it that she changes so much in a matter of hours?? Because I am pretty sure that Chris and I don't resemble each other in the least. LOL, or how so many things work so wonderfully, yeah maybe for your child, but I appreciate everyone wanting to help guide us in our first parenting endeavor, and I can't say that I wont try and give tips later on down the road. Some of the advice I do like, that it why I don't discourage any of it, because I never know what will be helpful to us, it is just funny.

What a month!

1 comment:

DARREL said...

great pictures of everyone in family Chris and Amanda you all are doing a great job being parents but i knew you would... you were saying addie looks like you or Chris ... i think she is pretty just like her grandpa hughes... love you three...