Well we made it! Two years of many blessings
having our sweet baby Cara in our lives! Although she hasn't been a
baby for a while now, she will always be baby Cara to us! We had a
quiet birthday celebration just the 4 of us on her birthday (hopefully
if I can manage to get it all done we will be having a joint party
eventually), went out for ice cream, got balloons and opened gifts, it
was nice.
her well visit she got another perfect report, because it was rainy and
gross it was just her and I for this visit and that was nice to just be
one on one with her. She is a TOTALLY different child when it's just
the two of us! She weighed 23.2 lbs (9th %) she is tall (69th %) and
her head is cm (23%) and don't let that 23% fool you cause this child is
sharp as a tack!
far as milestones she is hitting them completely different from Addie,
but then moving faster past them than Addie as well. She throws a ball
overhand like a champ(we may be in for t-ball or something, which I know
nothing about), she can do a split (and it is so cute, those tiny
little legs,even cuter that she knows what a split is), she can do a somersault also(which Addie still can't do, of course I don't think I
could either if I tried), and loves to stand on her head (gymnast? quite
possibly). What an active little thing she is, and that's probably why
she is so stinking tiny! Dr. Wiley is not concerned about her weight because she is healthy and growing(anyway what woman wouldn't want to be
tall and slender) but it looks like we are going to stick with whole
milk for a little longer just to get that extra fat in her... Dr. Wiley
even stated that she was marking off 5yr milestones for her. She
didn't have to get shots this time, but she did get a finger prick and
we all know that that is usually worse than the shot because they have
to stand there and keep mushing your finger to get all that blood in the
vile, so I, being prepared for her reaction because I do know her well
after all, braced myself and her(holding one arm and leg) for the
prick. One...Two...Three...nothing. Absolutely, I thought I might pass
out, she didn't flinch, didn't breathe in deeply, frown, nothing. Just
sat there as pretty as you please and let nurse Susan prick then
squeeze her finger until her heart was content. She let her put the band-aid on (which Addie wouldn't have, she hates band-aids) and then
quietly asked me after she left to "take sticker off, please".
asks for nothing without please following shortly behind the request.
Thank you or thanks (whatever mood she is in) is always right after
receiving whatever it was that she was asking for. Yes Ma'am, No Ma'am,
Yes Sir, No Sir all follow suit. Seriously she has picked up manners
quicker than we would have EVER expected and she remembers, we still
have to prompt the big one every now and then! Her vocabulary is
through the roof and her words are enunciated SO clearly! She has
mastered 6 word sentences already and can have a complete (back and
forth) conversation with you like it is nothing. It amazes me the stuff
that she understands, in other words we DO NOT break down our adult
language for her (and didn't for her sister as well) and they both seem
to roll with it so well understanding without skipping a beat. The
other day she was asking my mom to hold something and Mama repeated her
saying "hold that" and Cara responded with "hold that...this." My mom
and I stopped dead in our tracks and looked at each other, she knew
enough to correct herself. It really floored both of us, I mean Addie
has always been proper in the way she spoke and corrected herself often
with out prompting, but this was the first time we had witnessed Cara do
it. She will promptly reply to something being doe like “that’s
better” or “there we go” which I just think is adorable. Today my Mom
called me and said that after telling Cara that she was gonna fall off
the chair she repositioned herself and then said “perfect.” Needless to
say I can’t wait to get home and hear that one out of her mouth. She
follows directions well, even multiple directions in one request. The
fact that she comprehends certain words and can use them in the correct
context just amazes me, she uses “also and too” a lot and always
correctly, she will tell me “right now!” or “later”, she had one grape
in her bowl and walked up to Addie and said “want last one, Addie?” then
she proceeded to put the grape in Addie’s bowl and told her to “finish,
that one.” She recognized that it was the “last” one and then told her
to finish and I don’t recall ever hearing her use the word finish
can count to, well around 15 but kinda bounces after 10. 5 we get flawless, 10 gets better each time and we are still learning up to 15.
She doesn't yet know her ABC's fully, even though the other day I was
wearing an Old Navy hoodie and she climbed up in my lap pointed to the
"A" in Navy and said "A for Addie". She is getting really good at
puzzles and puts the alphabet one together well and when we sing some
and stop she will fill in the blanks, but we still can't get her to
recite the whole thing. We think that she knows her colors because she
will pick up something and say "want purple one" or something along
those lines and then pick up something purple. We can ask her to give
us something "pink" and she will, but when asked to tell us what color
something is she won't verbalize it. But I am pretty sure that orange
is her favorite color right now because she will always ask for the
orange item when given a choice.
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