Two years ago our worlds flipped upside down when we had the most amazing little girl! Wow I still can't believe that it has been 2 years! It seems like only yesterday, but here are a few things that show just how grown up our little baby has become....
Not actually counting but I would say that there is at least 200 words in her vocabulary and she easily puts 4-6 word sentences together. Lately she has really gotten good at using and. She takes instructions with stride, 75% of the time follows them without a second prompting not to mention replies to them with "oh sure!". We have been working on "yes ma'am and yes sir" and if I may say so she is doing really well with them. She doesn't say them without prompting yet, but will say them after instructed it's only a matter of time before she has it down on her own. She is in the beginning stages of saying her own prayers at night (thanks to her Daddy for teaching her how), and she automatically takes our hands before eating dinner so that we can bless our food.
She can read a few words we think. She has read them to us on occasion, but we are still trying to figure out if those instances were just flukes or not. Anyway, cow, cat, hat, pig and of course hi are the ones she has read to us.
Coming immediately when "baby Cara" cries to put her paci in her mouth (carefully not to touch the nipple). Making sure that she has a blanket to cover her up and that Mommy or Daddy is equipped with a burp cloth when need be. She keeps and eye on her while we are in the car, letting us know what she is doing. She now has fully gotten into mommy hood role playing, the other day I caught her nursing "baby Addie" (she has a baby Addie and a baby Cara). She takes really good care of them, feeding, changing, bathing, rocking, taking them shopping... She is such a wonderful big sister!
She is so aware and by aware I mean she only needs to hear or see something once and she doesn't forget it. Just today when Chris was referencing me while talking to his sister he called me Amanda...the smarty pants that we have on our hands heard him, put it together and has been calling me Amanda-Mommy all night. To retaliate, I told her what Daddy's name was... I was singing to her earlier (like I always have) and I was just singing her name to different tunes well I was saying "Addie, Addie, Adeline Maize..." and she automatically started calling herself Adeline Maize. Last month she would gladly introduce herself to anyone as Addie Hughes, she now knows that her full name is Adeline Maize Hughes. To top that off Baby Cara who is Baby Cara, Baby Caraline, Cara, Caraline, Caraboo, Caraline Hughes at any other time is now Caraline Rayne Hughes. Something that really amazes me is how aware she is of what she is saying, for instance when Chris asked her to tell me who was coming this weekend she started to say baby Car-then she stopped halfway through-corrected herself and said "baby Kaitlyn". Also this weekend she was talking to Grams and when she went to address her she said "Grandma, um Grams" again she corrected herself, what a smart little girl. She sees and usually turns around and does, at the moment I can only think of examples that I didn't witness, but my MIL said that as she was helping my FIL pack their stuff up, Addie immediately started mimicking them. She like I said before knows that Baby Cara eats from Mommy's boobies and has illustrated that by nursing her baby also (she also verbalizes her knowledge of this at times). She is constantly watching and listening to us and learning. This means that I now have to be on top of things when she is around, because she is very aware.
Two years old has been great thus far, with lots of new things, including a growth spurt that she is currently in now, eating and sleeping and what not. So for now I have to say that Two is not terrible at all, just an adjustment to our growing little/ big girl.
Because our Addie Mae was turning two we decided to throw her two birthday parties...just kidding, well we did have 2 parties, but we aren' ballin' like that. It's just that in my brain state I just wasn't thinking while planning a birthday party to celebrate our first miracle's 2nd year of life that we would have a house full of people with our oh so tiny second miracle being so fresh in her life. So I freaked (all this even being prior to our stay at Brenner's) and wanted to cancel the whole shebang. But I had already addressed all of the invites, so we decided to have a small family get together at an open area and postpone her party party a few weeks to let Cara get out of the danger zone of her age. I am so glad we did that too, because the next weekend we were in the hospital with our newborn beauty, but that's a whole other story... Addie had a great time at both of her parties, lots of love was shown and our little got to party it down twice!
Party #1
Party #2
She had her 2 year check up and she weighed in the 23rd percentile at 24lbs 8oz. Measured 34 3/4 inches in the 88.4 percentile and her head circumference was a whopping 48cm! Dr. Wiley said that somehow she doesn't think that Addie will mind being tall and slender. At her height now by the time she stops growing she should be somewhere between 5'9" and 6', where in the world did she get that height from? As much as we aren't into the modeling scene, something tells me she is going that route, with those legs she could rock it out I do believe!
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