Thursday, February 24, 2011

Labor Update

Well there is none.  Yesterday morning I lost my plug, called the dr. and the nurse said it is best to wait until I have been having regular contractions.  So I hung up with her and got back to work, about an hour later right as I was noticing a decrease in movement, the nurse calls back (which is highly unusual for them) to check on my progress.  I explained that I had not been having anything other than BH contractions but there was a decrease in movement.  She decided that it would be best to have me come on in.  So they worked me in and when she checked me I was at 4cm, but still only 50% effaced.  They then hooked me up to the fetal monitor to check Cara's movements.  She was asleep for the longest, they tried moving me around to stir her up, but it just wasn't working.  At that point the nurse got the dr. to come in and she said that we may end up at the hospital having a baby after all, if we couldn't get her to wake up.  They gave me some sweet tea and about 5 min later she started waking up.  After that they were pleased with what they saw so she said that if my contractions (BH or Real) started coming 10 min apart to head on to the hospital.  When I got back to work I did experience about 50 min where they were 10 min apart, but they became irregular after that.  So after work, we walked...2.5 times around the mall and nothing.  I sat all night with the worst heartburn ever, but no contractions.  Today I am here at work, still nothing, but I have a co-worker that thinks she has the ability to see upcoming events and she is predicting today(and has been for some time now)  not that I believe in that stuff AT ALL, but I would not be upset if she was right.  Plus Chris is pulling for tonight since Dr. Thompson will be on call then, so we shall of now I feel nothing but a little baby inside of me.  I think I might go jog up and down the steps on my break.

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