Friday, February 12, 2010

Votes to completely remove the 'X' from the alphabet

So last night Addie and I were standing at the refrigerator, we have these foam alphabet and number magnets, so we were standing there spelling stuff out when I looked down and she was in the process of putting the entire 'Q' in her mouth. So I immediately took the letters and moved them to the top of the fridge. Then just to double check I started, "Addie lets say A, B, C, D....T, U, V, W, x, Addie where's the x, Addie...Addie where's the X!!!

.....Well, got our first x-ray last night. You know Addie really is the perfect child, I mean I know every mother says so, but...This child was happily playing with the letters on the fridge (somewhere she is not allowed to go usually), then all of a sudden is swept up (no bath, no bottle) and taken to this place where she has to lay down and have this huge machine shine a light on her belly. Then to be taken from there to the doctors office where she gets more lights shown on her and examined there, and not a peep. This child was the absolute best having to go through all of this, especially at bed time. Doing everything the way she was supposed to, to have the pictures come out right and not fussing one bit.

No worries the 'X' was just hanging out underneath the water cooler at home. She was just picture perfect though, I feel so horrible that she had to go through all of that for nothing, but so thankful that she was able to take it all in stride.

Take my breath away moment: At Forsyth Imaging-Addie is still in the carrier in the chair and I am standing next to her with my left hand on the side. She has this little stuffed snowman rattle she was playing with, when she puts it down, and grabs m hand. Then she adjusts her hand to hold mine and we just stay there for a minute and stare at each other.

Stupid X

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