Monday, May 25, 2009

Mother's Day Events

So it turns out that I am not very good at keeping up with my blogging, sorry about that. Obviously, because Mother's Day was like weeks ago, and I can only imagine it will get worse when I go back to work, OR maybe better since I will be on the computer all day with no interruptions. Only time will tell though, I promise I will try and get better.

The week before Mother's Day this little "make your own pottery" place was having a Mother's Day special so my friend Jennifer and I took the girls and Bryson(her son) to make ourselves and the Grandmothers, Mother's Days gifts. Jennifer and I were childhood friends, and we had lost contact until we reconnected on Myspace and found out that we were both due to have sweet little girls at the same time. She was due April 4th and I was April 6th. Then unbeknownst to me the doctors had her induced Tuesday morning because of the diabetes and to her my water broke Tuesday night!! So sweet baby Leah was born the 24th, and Addie Mae the 25th, they are destined to be BFF s, or we at least like to think so. We had a blast that day! As difficult as it was to paint with the babes we did manage to accomplish what we had gone there to do. How wonderful it is to have someone like her in my life, going through everything right there along with me. Not to mention how oh so sweet Leah and Bryson are!! I can't wait to see Addie and Leah grow up together!!

On Mother's Day we had Addie dedicated at church. It was so wonderful, she wore the dress that my Mom hand made especially for me when I was dedicated. Chris calls it a pillow case, so what if it looked like a pillow case, it was the meaning behind it all that made it so special. She was beautiful, as always. There were 4 couples out of our Sunday School class that had their babies dedicated as well (all but 1 were girls). It was great being able to have them all dedicated there at the same time. Aside from the Oldest (boy) the rest of the babies in our class are about 3 months apart from each other. Which is pretty cool, so soon all of our get togethers will be about the kids. Isn't it funny that at one point in time all of our parents were going through the same changes. This is how we came to know all of our childhood friends...Weird...Anyways so after we got off the stage (which was as hot as hades, I don't know how Pastor Al does it every Sunday up there) we went down and sat with all of our family. We had 3 whole pews taken up!! What a blessing it is to have so many people put their lives on hold to come spend the day with us and our daughter. Afterwards we had a cookout at my parent's house, what a great turnout, what a wonderful day!! I mean some of Chris' Aunts and Uncle came down from Richmond and brought his Grandmother, all of who haven't been to Winston-Salem since we got married in '06, that meant so much to us. We had friends and local family attend as well, it was all so great to have everyone there! I love being a mother!!

I would like to extend a very special thanks to all of the mothers that put aside their Mother's Day for us. My first Mother's Day was so wonderful!! I couldn't have dreamed up a better one, I woke up to the most beautiful little girl, publicly vowed to raise her in a christian home, and then got to share the moment with so many of our friends and family.

To my mother:
Mama now that I know all that you went through to carry me, deliver me, and then raise me all I can do is say thank you. I can only imagine what it was all like being in your shoes while I was growing up. You are the best mother ever, I can only hope to be so wonderful. You care so much about us, you sacrificed so much to raise us to grow into successful adults. As a teenager I stretched the boundaries of our relationship, and if it wasn't for your strong faith in God and the ability of tough love that He gave you I really don't know if we would have made it through. Well I don't wanna know if we would or wouldn't, God has been good and for some reason He gave me another chance, a chance to thank you for being my mother. Mama you took care of me when I was sick, helped me with my homework, taught me how to cook, and clean, but most of all you set the bar for me to become a mother. Well in July the process started for me all along you being so supportive and helpful then in March my every dream came true, and I myself became a mother. I wouldn't have known where to begin if it weren't for you. She was starving and you helped me feed her, I couldn't make it through her first bath so you bathed her, there is so much I still don't know but what I do know is that you are my mother and you will be here to show me the way. So as my journey of being a mother continues, I will turn to you for guidance and hope that one day my daughter will think enough of me to help show her how to be a mother.
You know how most people jokingly say "oh no I am turning into my mother" well I am so proud to say that I am turning into my mother, you are the best, thanks! I Love You!

To My Husband:
Thank you so much for helping make me a mother, it is the greatest joy I have ever experienced. Thank you for supporting me, without you lifting me up as you do I wouldn't be the mother I am or on the road to be. I am most pleased with our little family that we have, Daddy, Mommy, Addie, Booskers. Being a mother is not just about having a child, it is so much more. It is a need that fills me, and I couldn't have done it without you. I am so thankful that God chose me to be your wife and Addie's mother. I don't deserve either one of you, but am so grateful for this blessing. It is just so amazing that Addie is a combination of both of us I mean what an awesome feat, creation and all... I love you and am privileged to be the mother of your child as well as future children, God willing.
To Addie Mae:
You are the apple of my eye. My dear, Mommy's life would not be the same without you. You bring so much joy to my life. In the nine short weeks that I have known you you have been more wonderful than I could have ever dreamed you would be. I am amazed at how you were formed inside of me every crease and hair was created especially for your body from God above. Addie you are the most beautiful little girl that I have ever laid my eyes on from your smiles to your frowns I love every inch unconditionally. I must be really special to God for Him to give up such and angel for me to hold and have for my own. I know little one that one day you are gonna do great things for our Lord, I can see it in your eyes, and that makes Mommy so proud. You have made me the happiest mother on earth, I Love You so much!

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