Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Too Busy :(

So tonight during bath time Addie was pretending to catch fish, she was explaining to me that she was going to make her baby fishies another mommy fishy because the mommy fishy was too busy.  So I asked her if I was too busy, to which she replied yes.  "When is Mommy too busy, Addie?" When you're at work you're busy doing your work."


What do you get when you cross an Addie and a Cara?

Last night Chris was playing with Addie, while Cara and I were visiting with Auntie Brina.  Chris decided that he was going to ask Addie what you get when you cross a chicken and a duck.  Addie replied " I don't know!"  So Chris said "Well a chickenduck silly!"  And she just cracked up!  When Chris asked her if she knew any jokes she thought for a bit before she came back with " What do you get when you cross an Addie and a Cara?"  Chris said " I don't know, what do you get?" So Addie tapped her little index finger on her chin while she looked around the room and thought before she stated "a blanket!"  So there you have it!